About Contemporary Art

Art promoted to the masses, promoted through advertising and financial investments, is first and foremost a business. Many people who are interested in this subject are familiar with the scheme of selling works of little artistic value to people who are not interested in art with the help of skillful PR. Due to the fact that the famous critics who profit from it unanimously recognize it as a masterpiece, the person buys the status of the owner of a unique brand rather than an object of art. But this is only a small element of the business called contemporary art.

Art has always been a carrier of ideas and, importantly, a means of introducing these ideas to the masses. So-called high art is very closely connected to big financial capitals, which, in turn, have a direct connection to politics and power. Naturally, the priority in art is given to those works of art which help to inculcate in the minds of people the ideas they need to control them.

Since managing people is based on managing their minds, the primary task of such art is to soften their minds in order to make it easier to manipulate them. The basic principle of such art is that it should not force a person to think and strain his brain. Some absolutely low things may well be presented as a high idea, understandable only to very intelligent and influential people, but not understandable to the average person. In reality, though, the average person’s level of understanding of the world is somewhat higher than that of artificially lofty ideas, and they simply want to underestimate it. For example, by presenting a grandiose exposition that is supposed to cause a storm of emotions like, “Look what a giant pile of f…!!!” or “He has an ass instead of a face!..!!”, but not to make you think.

As an alternative to this, smarter art with more complex meanings is offered, but it also reflects the ideas that are being actively imposed on society. It can be a theme of politics, or just advertising any innovations, in order to direct the consciousness of society in a certain direction. Of course, you never see at the famous exhibitions, the art, which will be contrary to the above described, or revealing those ideas that do not fit with the established public paradigms. So publicized contemporary art is nothing more than a means of advertising, propaganda and dumbing down.